In addition to business management with attention to detail, we have a system in place to offer the support of specialist staff members in areas such as product quality, technology, and planning. Experts in each field assist individual customers with specialized problem solving.
The Quality Control (QC) Team supports the products we deal with from a quality perspective. This team is mainly comprised of the Product Laboratory and Padding Inspection Studio.
Product Laboratory
We maintain laboratory functions within the company,tests and quality control of the products we deal with form the core of quality maintenance. Some members of our staff are Textiles Evaluation Specialists (TES), and some tests are performed in conjunction with external testing facilities.
Padding Inspection Studio
The Padding Inspection Studio is used to perform inspection and selection for interlining and materials matching in line with the requirements of our customers. Specialist staff members and a full range of equipment are in place to enable a quick and appropriate response.
We have a resident Haircloth Technical Advisor with a decades-long career specializing in haircloths. We offer support ranging from “design of haircloths” to “quality control” during mass production in line with the requirements our customers.
Based on our many years of experience and specialist knowledge, we select materials, design the shape, and sew haircloths that match the finished image (silhouette, texture, price, etc.) of the product required by the customer.
We provide technical supervision to ensure that craftsmanship is reflected in the mass produced product. We also strive to improve quality by means of regular on-site staff member guidance at our factories in Japan and overseas.
A specialist Sewing Technical Advisor provides practical support from a technical perspective, including by explaining on how to use garment accessories properly from a sewing perspective and sewing techniques.
Specialists in every kind of merchandise, including lining materials, interlining, accessories, and secondary processing, make product proposals in line with the latest trends and the requirements our customers. Based out of our Aoyama Showroom, we plan and hold seasonal exhibitions to show merchandise suited to new products and the latest trends, hold presentations and discussions for the benefit of individual customers, and provide a more specialized service for each kind of merchandise.